Wednesday, August 5, 2015

The Sixth Sense

So today I woke up and went out to buy groceries to use as ingredients for the dinner that I would cook later in the night.
At Coles, I was having trouble finding Thyme which I wanted to buy to put into the scores of the Sea Bass that I bought. And when I asked a worker in Coles where I could find it they replied with "What is thyme?".


Anyway the pepper sauce puree came out okay but the fish was a nightmare. Gordon Ramsay is like "Gently hold the fish skin down to prevent it from curling". So I did that, and guess what... IT DOESN'T FUCKING WORK. I had 8 fillets to try and do it right but if I took it off the pan to early to prevent curling then the fish wouldn't be cooked. Whatever, Sea Bass with Pepper Sauce DONE.

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