Saturday, November 7, 2015

SoH: Sky of Heirs (Character Profiles): Casanova S. Incisor

Character Profiles

First name: Casanova
Middle name: Sharp?
Last name: Incisor
Titles: Bleach-haired Destroyer
Bloodtype: B-
Birthday: September 13
Favourite Colour: Orange
Age: 17
Height: 181cm (5'11")
Weight: 76kg (168lbs.)
Soul Animal: Lion
Eye colour: Brown
Hair colour: Dark orange
Favourite Food: Italian cuisine
Least Favourite Food: Onions
Likes: Pokemon, Teasing people
Dislikes: Sleeping too long
Theme song: B2ST - Fiction

The best looking guy in the group and a total player. Casanova utilizes the aura power of orange which is empowered through the feeling of lust. Perhaps the most fitting aura colour for him as he finds it easy to draw lust both for women and for battle. In battle, Casanova's aura materializes a bow with unlimited ammo that can be used in a variety of ways including chilling shots and searing arrows. In his free time he enjoys reading and playing video games. He is the eldest sibling of the Incisor family and has one brother and two sisters. Currently dating Anne.

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