Friday, November 6, 2015

SoH: Sky of Heirs (Character Profiles): Kaiser M. Trace

Character Profiles

First name: Kaiser
Middle name: Mirage?
Last name: Trace
Titles: Deathwatch
Bloodtype: O
Birthday: January 27
Favourite Colour: Black
Age: 16
Height: 183cm (6')
Weight: 79kg (174lbs.)
Soul Animal: Wolf
Eye colour: Brown
Hair colour: Black (dyed brown)
Favourite Food: Kebab box, Steak
Least Favourite Food: Eats pretty much everything
Likes: Shooting games, Chilling, Working out
Dislikes: Doing things that require him to expend energy and effort
Theme song: B.o.B - Nothin' On You

Kaiser is known in the group for notoriously being the laziest member and trains the least out of everyone. He prefers not to perform tasks until they are moments away from being due. However, he is in fact very intelligent with an IQ of over 160. Kaiser is regularly found lying under the shade of a tree during break times and constantly around a group to mingle with. He wields the aura power of black which manifests the feelings of extreme hate and ill will towards another. Despite being an easygoing person during most of his hours, Kaiser can instantly harness his feelings of hatred through sheer force of will as a result of his genius. He is constantly the object of attention for girls due to his good looks and therefore is known to play extremely hard-to-get.

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